It's done! I'm finally moved. Might have been the hardest move I've had yet but it was worth it. Every aching muscle and sore joint was quickly forgotten the moment I tasted my first fresh tomato. Store bought tomatoes have nothing on these -
NOTHING! I used to hate tomatoes. I avoided eating them at all costs. The texture of store bought tomatoes was all wrong - slimy and mushy. The taste of store bought tomatoes was... well, not there.
Juicy little round tomatoes from my planter box. |
Now these... Beautiful, freshly picked, all organic, and raised with love and care.
These tomatoes are freakin' fabulous! They are tangy and bright with a firm texture that yields nicely when you bite. I never knew that this is what tomatoes really are. I could live on them!
Just last night my husband complimented my chicken tomato soup saying it was, "the best he had ever had." I blame the home grown tomatoes. :)
If ever there was a plant to grow yourself... it is a tomato plant.
Here's a lovely picture to close on. One of the remaining rose varieties around my grandparents house. When Grandma was alive she had more than 50 types. Now there are only 7 or 8 types but they are still beautiful.
Rose from Grandma's House. Grandma has been gone for years but her roses live on. |
Keep checking for more garden updates!